We believe lasting beauty and peace of mind start with a plan
Let’s create your plan
Our business is providing Reserve Studies for common interest developments, country clubs, golf courses, apartments, and commercial facilities. We can also tailor our studies to meet your special needs (Management Plans, Business Plans, Feasibility Studies). We are members of the National Association of Professional Reserve Analysts (APRA) and the Community Association Institute (CAl).
We can provide a Reserve Study with or without a site visit. We have 25 years of expert experience and can design our studies to meet your specific goals and needs.
We earn our clients' respect by
Improving curb appeal and property value
Listen to and respond to the needs of our clients
Make every effort to keep our clients 100% satisfied
Our services
Our residential reserve study is a comprehensive report of any major components that will need repairs, restoration, maintenance or replacement within the next 30 years. We will also evaluate the overall condition of the property and provide many useful recommendations.
Our commercial five-year plan will summarize the projected operating revenue and expenses. Our clients normally use our study to determine specific tenant charges (CAM expenses). Our budget plan will also reconcile the reserve funding (capital costs) with the projected operating expenses. Knowledge of these costs will allow the owner or manager to improve the net income (NOI).
Country clubs
Our country club study will include a specific inventory list of any furniture and kitchen equipment that will need replacement over the next 30 years. Knowledge of these costs will allow the owners and the manager to allocate the proper resources. It is a useful tool for both short term and long term budget planning. Many of our clients use our report to determine member dues and or special guest fees.
Golf courses
Our golf course study will identify any property and maintenance equipment, circulating pumps, timers, drainage channels and landscape improvements. Lake maintenance will include controlling the growth of algae and or other unwanted organisms. Our Maintenance Plan will provide cost saving tips and useful information for your golf course and lake improvements.
Our apartment study will help to identify and provide solutions for any deferred maintenance. This type of maintenance is normally curable physical deterioration that should be corrected immediately. If not corrected, the deterioration will get worse and the component will require a costly remediation. Knowledge of this information will also allow the owners and or the manager to improve the overall appearance and increase the income and property values.
Request a proposal
We would like the opportunity to provide you with a proposal. Please fill out our short questionnaire and a proposal will be sent via e-mail.