Reporting & analysis you can count on

Our Reserve Study is a comprehensive report of any major components that will need repairs, restoration, maintenance or replacement within the next 30 years. Our study will follow the guidelines of your state codes or statutes. We will also evaluate the overall condition of the property and provide many useful recommendations

Your new report will be sent via e-mail with the help of Adobe PDF electronic software. The PDF file can be opened (and printed) from your e-mail. This file can be stored in your computer and printed on an as needed basis.

Studies include

The Executive Summary will include an overview of the revenue and expenses including reserve funding requirements. This section identifies any major asset components in the common areas where the owners are obligated to repair, maintain, replace, or restore which have a current remaining useful life of 30 years or less.

Executive Summary

The Property Overview will provide specific details about the property, the condition and any important facts or problems. The property overview will also allow our clients to determine if an appropriate plan of action is necessary to correct any specific issues.

Property Overview

A five-year pro forma budget of the projected operating revenue and expenses will be completed. This budget will help to identify (or reconcile) the reserve funding costs with the operating expenses. Many of our clients appreciate this feature because it allows them to discover any potential cost savings within the next 5 years

Pro Forma Budget

Component Inventory Schedule

This schedule will include the estimated replacement cost of major components for the next 30 years. This schedule will also identify the normal useful life, the remaining useful life, the current replacement cost, the fully funded balance, the percent funded (% Funded), and a current condition assessment summary.

Reserve Funding Options

We will provide several reserve funding goals and methods including a special assessment option (if necessary). Each property will have different funding needs based on the age, condition, spending projections (cashflow), and the level of accumulated reserves. Some of the options provided are the Fully Funded Goal, Threshold Funding, Cash Flow, and Baseline Funding.

30 Year Funding Plan

This 30 Year Funding Plan will identify the component useful life estimates (including the annual percent funding ratio) as provided in the inventory schedule. Knowledge of these costs will allow our clients to plan and allocate resources to cover these projections.

Maintenance and Component Assessment

This section will provide maintenance and condition assessment comments, tips, and recommendations for any major components in the common areas. This section is designed to provide long-term planning solutions that can assist our clients with improving the overall appearance (curb appeal) of the common areas.


Many colored pictures and financial charts will be provided in order to better understand the report.